вторник, 28 декабря 2010 г.

TVA : comment résilier son forfait mobile avant l'heure

This article is about the important changes which are waiting every person who has a telephone contract with the French mobile operator. In one month the prices of the forfait will be higher than you expected by signing your contract with the mobile operator. In total it will be 3 – 4 Euros for an additional payment. The good news, that you can break your actual contract, change your operator for the concurrent, change the conditions and a new engagement, find a new mobile phone etc.
Even if it is not a pleasant to know that you should pay the additional money for your conversations or an internet I think that there are also some positive moments in this changes. As I can see by me or my friends experience we shoes our engagement for the mobile phone by comparing the different operators, the prices, the costs per minutes, the presence of the internet and using the sms without any limits. We spend a lot of time for this comparison; we compare the advices and the opinions of our friends. And finally we are so happy to receive the last version of Iphone or blackberry. But very often in some months we realize that the telephone contract is not really convenient for us we chosen a telephone contract with 3 hours of the conversation, but we use only one and vice versa. It is a unique opportunity to change your engagement by choosing more convenient for your and also find a new mobile phone without any troubles.
The question is how the three principle competitors will competitive with each other by attractive the new potential clients. We will see it in some days.

суббота, 11 декабря 2010 г.

Hotel Me: A Facebook Application to friendsource hotel choice

I would like to present you an interesting article which introduce a new application on Facebook.

How do we find the hotels for our trips? Firstly we go to internet, we see the available hotels, compare the rates the location. Beautiful pictures attract our attention; we book it and we begin to dream about our trip. But how many times you were disappointed by the chosen hotel? Unfortunately many times. A very good idea is before booking the hotel to see the comments about it. For this purpose everybody knows the site Tripadvisor with many information about the hotels and what is important with difference comments about them. This is very useful, but unfortunately you don’t know the person who leaved these comments. Your interest could be different; the vision on the things, the comfort, and beauty could be different.

An interesting solution is proposed by new application on Facebook: Hotel Me
Kukunu a socially-savvy travel application is advising to gather some information by integrating suggestions from your Facebook friends to your travel plans. The idea is that the best way to find and shoos the right hotel is to ask people that you know and trust. Kukunu is introducing Hotel Me.
You add it in your Facebook account, give your destination, the dates (but you also can not have the specific dates), ask you question like: “could you advise me a super hotel”, and send it (ask your friends).
In my opinion it is a very good idea. Every time that I plan to go somewhere I spend a lot of time to find and choose a good hotel. Finally I’ am not always happy and satisfy with the chosen hotel, and just after my returning I discover that some of my friends know a perfect hotel, but it is too late. That is why this application will help to discover the good hotels, advised by your friends. It is very easy to use and I think that the results should be great.

пятница, 3 декабря 2010 г.

11 Customer Loyalty Trends for 2011

The year of 2011 will called as the year of customer loyalty. Today is very important to create a loyalty and a kind of challenging between the customer and the company. The companies do their best to attract the new, potential clients, but the most important question for all these companies how to do these customers loyal in the future.
Mark Johnson (CEO of Loyalty 360) shares the secrets about the loyalty’s strategies. One of the most important principles of the loyalty is based on the emotions, the opinion and voice of the client and an engagement. The author gives many useful and easy to realize councils, which will help you to better understand the new tendencies of the market.

the link of the text